Platforms and Resolutions Are Policies

Submitted by La Crosse County (Obbie King)

WHEREAS members of the Democratic Party devote considerable time and effort to craft Platforms and Resolutions that define and articulate the party's views and positions

WHEREAS candidates for office who seek support from the Democratic Party often disregard the views and positions expressed in our Platforms and Resolutions

WHEREAS party resources are finite

THEREFORE RESOLVED the DPW prioritize the allocation of campaign resources to candidates who hold views and positions consistent with our Platforms and Resolutions

FURTHER RESOLVED the DPW shall inform the membership of candidates' positions on elements of our Platforms and Resolutions (94)


From Debra Fairbanks 2nd C.D.
Formal Adoption of Passed Resolutions As Party Policy

WHEREAS members of the Democratic Party at all levels devote considerable time and effort to craft Resolutions to define and articulate the Party's views and positionsand   

WHEREAS Resolutions that have been voted for by Democrats at the Congressional District and State level must be considered the will of the People of the Democratic Party 

THEREFORE RESOLVED the Democratic Party shall incorporate these Resolutions into our Policies and Platform. 

FURTHER RESOLVED the Democratic Party‘s Administrative Committee shall designate a committee to merge passed Resolutions into Policy and the Platform.  (97)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Our Resolutions are important enough, for the process to include three levels of voting and the limiting of 10 resolutions per CD. They are the Will of the PEOPLE, of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

    I hope if you are in a CD, that has a resolution, to bolster and empower these resolutions, that you fight for it, with all the strength and energy you have.

    The measure passed at the county resolutions committee, county and 2nd CD levels, but lost due to the fact that we could only send 10 resolutions out of the 15 proposed. It lost by less than 5 votes.

    If you can get the "Teeth to Resolutions" resolution passed, or its equivalent, in your CD; Please do. None of the other resolutions, will make much difference, if they are toothless as usual.
